Why choose 123Insight?

Choosing the right software partner may be the most important decision you ever make for your manufacturing business.

Why choose 123Insight

With 123Insight, you start with an educational approach that puts you in control.

Our 'No-Obligation' training allows you to learn the full system risk-free so you have the confidence that 123Insight will work for you.

Your 123Insight Implementation Mentor guides you through our tried and tested implementation process to get you live quickly and once 'live' our Customer Care and Support Team will look after you and ensure you always get the most out of what 123Insight has to offer. 

Eight reasons why 123Insight is the right partner for you:

Open evaluation process

Open evaluation process

We allow you to gauge 123Insight's suitability at your own pace.

Our Evaluation Workshop is ideal for those looking for a deeper understanding of what 123Insight can do for your business. It includes an in-depth demo with a dedicated Q&A session. 

An educational approach

A relaxed, non-pressurised educational evaluation approach, allowing you to make an informed decision without hassle.

Learn MRP software
MRP training

'No-obligation' training

Attend the six days of training and learn the entire system before committing financially. If 123Insight isn't suitable then walk away with nothing to pay, and with a lot more knowledge about MRP than when you started.

PAYG monthly subscription

No minimum contract period with completely transparent pricing. Take just the number of licences you need each month, and increase, decrease or cancel at any time.

Subscription covers everything, including upgrades, access to the Help Desk and your own dedicated Customer Care Manager.

Subscription MRP software
Risk free MRP software

No-risk approach

Simple evaluation process, followed by no-obligation training and a fixed-price Implementation Service Pack. Everything is clear before you make any commitment.

Proven implementation method

You'll work with a dedicated 123Insight mentor who will guide you through the implementation process from start to finish.

Easy MRP implementation guide
MRP support

Ongoing customer care

Your subscription includes free access to the Help Desk and a dedicated Customer Care Manager, who will regularly connect with you to ensure that you are getting the most out of your implementation.

A part of Forterro

When you partner with 123Insight, you partner with Forterro - a global group that specialises only in local ERP solutions, serving 13,000+ small to medium-sized businesses.

123insight is part of Forterro Group