Working in parallel, not in sequence.


Managing and staying in touch with customers.

Supply Chain

Communication to get the best relationship with suppliers and managing supply chains.

Internal Communications

Keeping individuals and departments connected by giving them visibility of colleagues' progress.

Workflow Control

Manage business processes step by step and have visibility of current statuses.

Equipment Catalogue

Keeping track of equipment and its location, allowing a focused sales effort.

Project Control

Visibility and current status of all projects; all together and in one place.

Quality Control

Reduce audit times from days to hours by having all information at your fingertips.

Tight Integration

Developed for manufacturers, with tight integration to the core 123Insight MRP system.

123Insight CRM will redefine your expectations for CRM and take you to a new level in managing the whole of your business and manufacturing operations in a way that you may not have foreseen.

CRM is an integral and essential efficiency tool for all areas within a manufacturing enterprise and the staff within each department.

At the heart of 123Insight's CRM we have incorporated a 'workflow' capability to support, manage and drive your business forward, increasing your efficiency at every opportunity.

As a manufacturer, you'll be pleased to know that this option has been entirely designed for manufacturers through an extensive consultation process with our customers, which now provides you with a comprehensive company-wide business systems capability that gives you yet another level of visibility and control.

Training is just a 1-day Masterclass. 123Insight CRM option is 20% of the core system monthly subscription.