Demo Test Page

How MRP software will save your manufacturing business time and money

Icon Traceability

Detailed Traceability

Accurate sales, costs, profit and inventory financials always available when you need them.

Icon Visibility

Financial Visibility

Accurate sales, costs, profit and inventory financials always available when you need them.

Icon Quality

Quality Control

Accurate sales, costs, profit and inventory financials always available when you need them.

Icon Production

Manage Production

Accurate sales, costs, profit and inventory financials always available when you need them.

Flexible and dynamic features of a leading MRP

Screenshot 1

Record and Generate Serial Numbers

Structure your manufacturing with revision control software, available on the bill of materials for all your parts and products.

  • Analyse benefits package based on data
  • Map and budget against your desired levelling
  • Design a package that meets expectations

Complete Financial Visibility

Structure your manufacturing with revision control software, available on the bill of materials for all your parts and products.

  • Analyse benefits package based on data
  • Map and budget against your desired levelling
  • Design a package that meets expectations
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3

Detailed Batch Number Traceability

Structure your manufacturing with revision control software, available on the bill of materials for all your parts and products.

  • Analyse benefits package based on data
  • Map and budget against your desired levelling
  • Design a package that meets expectations

Effective Revision Control Software

Structure your manufacturing with revision control software, available on the bill of materials for all your parts and products.

  • Analyse benefits package based on data
  • Map and budget against your desired levelling
  • Design a package that meets expectations
Screenshot 4


Turnover increase without extra admin staff

MRP Software For Eco-Burner Ltd


Turnover increase without extra admin staff

MRP Software For Eco-Burner Ltd


Turnover increase without extra admin staff

MRP Software For Eco-Burner Ltd

Awards & Accreditations

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2017 Winner

European IT & Software
Excellence Awards

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2017 Winner

European IT & Software
Excellence Awards

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2017 Winner

European IT & Software
Excellence Awards

Awards Logo
2017 Winner

European IT & Software
Excellence Awards

Discover what an MRP solution could do for you

White Papers

We have compiled a series of free white papers on relevant topics, including a complete 11-point guide to MRP systems, 7 reasons why ERP systems fail and how to integrate MRP/ERP with other data systems.

MRP Guide

Our ERP/MRP guide details common issues that companies face either without a system, or if the system is poorly implemented, plus details of the 123Insight system and our unique, risk-free approach to selection and implementation.

123Insight product demo
Online Demo

See the software and learn more about MRP with an 'educational' approach. Book to attend one of our free online educational events.